Have you ever wondered what those brown stains in salt water pool are? Generally, swimming pool stains are caused by numerous varying components including algae, calcium buildup, metals, and not to mention plain dirt. To effectively treat these stains, it is essential that you understand what these stains are, and what to do if you spot them.
Brown Stains in Salt Water Pool
Often times, many pool owners basically determine how clean their pool only by feel. If the water neither tests too bad or smells and looks clear, they go on to assume that it’s all good and only decide to chlorinate it now and then. Unsuspectingly, however, there is much more to it than the surface value.
Pool chemistry is quite a complex task and mandates for more than monitoring a few factors. In cases where the pool is not kept at tip-top shape, it is easy for it to end up with stains such as the brown stains mentioned above among others. With this in mind, there are several causes that can result in brown stains; among them could be dirt, metal, or even algae buildup. So how can you determine which of these is the actual cause?
Organic Stains
One way you can determine this is through color. If you identify a greenish-brown color, this mostly indicates that something organic is dirtying your pool. This can either mean organic materials such as leaves that have stayed at the pool’s bottom for some time or algae buildup. If the color is more of a brown-black, usually spotted on the pool sides, this might mean that a metal substance is staining your pool.
Similarly, if you spot brown stains that are particularly concentrated at the bottom of the pool, this can usually be due to dirt stains basically augmented by the buildup of calcium. In such case, the initial step of dealing with these types of organic materials is to start by shocking the pool and then scrubbing it. By doing so, you not only clear organic materials from the pool, but you can effectively remove the stains through scrubbing.
Metal Stains
Where the stains are metal in nature, determining such is best done by scrubbing the stain using a vitamin C tablet. In the case the stain disappears or fades away, then you can be certain that it is a metal issue — where it’s usually copper or iron buildup. This can be treated using ascorbic acid or a variety of specialty chemicals.
Dirt Scale
Finally, there is also the little problem known as “dirt scale.” It is usually the result of a layer of calcium buildup sealing over a layer of dirt. Typically, the calcium tends to act as a relatively clear coat over the top of your otherwise dirt-stained swimming pool surface. Mostly, this is a common occurrence in pools that have high traffic such as hotel pools and gym pools. Dirt scale is relatively tougher to eradicate compared to other stains.
When doing so, it mandates for you to lower the pH to a more acidic one between 6.8 and 7.0 and scrub it regularly. Be advised not to take a swim at such time. Repeat this a few times over several weeks. Prevention is the best cure and the most effective way is of preventing these pool stains is to maintain good pool chemistry.
Next Steps
Brown stains in salt water pool among other stains can be problematic and unpleasant to handle. These stains are typically derived from organic stains, metal stains, or from dirt scales. That’s why maintaining your pool’s chemistry is crucial to prevent having a dirty pool. Good luck!